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월마트,밤 10시까지 영업... Walmart extending closing time to 10 p.m. at most st…

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팬더믹 때문에 클로즈 시간이 모두 앞당겨 졌는대, 월마트를 시작으로 점점 예전의 시간으로 되돌릴까요?


Walmart extending closing time to 10 p.m. at most stores

BENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — Walmart is expanding its closing time from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at most of its stores nationwide, the Bentonville-based retailer announced Friday.

By Aug. 17, more than 4,000 of the company’s 4,700 stores will make the change.

“With this change, we will continue the health and safety measures currently in place, such as social distancing, health screenings, plastic barriers at the registers and masks,” Walmart said in its statement.

The company will “continue assessing” its remaining stores as to when to expand closing hours.

Walmart stores will host a senior shopping hour every Tuesday for customers age 60 and older who may be more vulnerable. It starts one hour before the store officially opens. Walmart’s pharmacies and vision centers will also be open during this time.
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작성일2020-08-14 10:47

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