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산타클라라 카운티 오늘 13일 부터 오픈 한 곳이 어디일지? Gyms, salons, tattoo parlors reopen …

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산타클라라 카운티에서 미용실등이 오늘부터 오픈이 가능한데 어디가 오픈 했을까요?
기본 수칙을 모두 체크하고 승인을 받았어야 하는데..

주위의 많은 분들이 깔끔한 머리를 하고 나타나시겠네요.


Gyms, salons, tattoo parlors reopen in Santa Clara County

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- A wave of additional "close-contact" businesses are allowed to reopen starting Monday in Santa Clara County. The county's health officer cleared nail salons, hair salons, gyms, barbershops, and tattoo parlors to open under strict guidelines.

"We've done nothing but preparing and getting the space ready," said Lisa Alberino, owner of Labarre Studios. "It's true, we could have reopened much earlier than this."
Call it a grand reopening of sorts. The fitness studio closed since March 15, welcomed its first in-person class Monday morning just one day before its three-year anniversary of being in business.

Alberino said the business survived by starting virtual classes and uploading hundreds of videos of on-demand workouts for members to try at home.

But things look a bit different inside of the fitness studio.

Classes are now capped at no more than ten people (down from 21) and everyone is required to wear face coverings at all times.

Regulars will also notice a change in the types of workouts the studio is offering.

"We took cardio out of those classes. We had to make adjustments because we have to workout with masks. This is something new to us today," Alberino said.

Under the revised health order in Santa Clara County, high-intensity cardio is not allowed indoors. That includes aerobic exercise classes and of course machines like the treadmill and elliptical that raise the heart rate and get you panting.
Indoors pools, spas, saunas, steam rooms, showers, and water fountains are still not allowed.

All businesses reopening in the county must now submit a social distancing protocol to be approved by the health department.

Capacity for indoor facilities must also be limited to one employee per 250 square feet and one customer per 150 square feet that's open to the public.

Just a short drive down the Alameda, several nail salons and hair salons that could be back open as of Monday morning still were closed.

As Santa Clara County moves into this new phase of reopening several businesses are still now allowed including indoor dining, indoor bars, and indoor swimming facilities.

If you spot a business in violation of the county's health order a complaint can be submitted online to the district attorney's website.
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작성일2020-07-13 12:25

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