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Acrobatic squirrel does the SPLITS as it balances on the stalks of two flowers while foraging for food in Sweden

  • Amazing images show gymnast-like manoeuvres of the squirrel who is seen bending and stretching for food
  • The bushy-tailed critter stays upright by clenching onto the stems of two lupine flowers in a Swedish garden 
  • Photographer and squirrel enthusiast Geert Weggen captured the pictures of the rodent in stunning poses

known as the 'treetop acrobats' of the animal kingdom, but even these
poses would startle most who admire the natural manoeuvres of the
gymnast-like red squirrel.

Photographs taken in Sweden
show a hungry little critter in Bispgarden who balanced between two
lupine flowers in an attempt to reach out and grab its next meal. 

It looks as if the squirrel is performing the splits as it clings onto stalks with the claws of its feet. 

Reach for the stars! A red squirrel in Sweden tactfully balances itself on the stalks of two lupine flowers in Sweden as it stretches skywards to catch food

Reach for the stars! A red
squirrel in Sweden tactfully balances itself on the stalks of two lupine
flowers in Sweden as it stretches skywards to catch food

The bushy-tailed critters are known for their natural ability to manouvre between plants and trees in their surroundings

The bushy-tailed critters are known for their natural ability to manouvre between plants and trees in their surroundings

Just missed! The squirrel opens its hands to swat flies that are seen whizzing past as it remains perched between the flowers

Just missed! The squirrel opens its hands to swat flies that are seen whizzing past as it remains perched between the flowers

The shots were captured by Geert Weggen, a photographer who has been taking squirrel pictures for five years.

squirrels are searching for food and in this case I hang some food in
the air in a bucket above the lupine flowers,' said the 49-year-old. 

days, there are more than 12 wild red squirrels visiting my garden and I
create scenes and sit mainly in my kitchen to photograph them.' 

The photographer hung food above the lupine flowers as the squirrel clambered onto the stems to try and grab its next meal

The photographer hung food above the lupine flowers as the squirrel clambered onto the stems to try and grab its next meal

Stunning images show the acrobatic abilities of the squirrel as it stood with its tiny legs splayed between two flower stalks

Stunning images show the acrobatic abilities of the squirrel as it stood with its tiny legs splayed between two flower stalks

These amazing snaps show an acrobatic red squirrel as it balances between two lupine flowers in Bispgarden in Sweden

Weggen, 49, has been photographing squirrels for more than five years
with over a dozen visiting his garden as he photographs from the kitchen

Geert said that after so many years of working in squirrel photography he knows just how to capture the perfect squirrel shot.

He said: 'My favourite images are the ones where he jumps down and where he shows his fingers.

'I have really good luck with getting great detail in the frame.'

A snap of the squirrel as it thrusts itself further up the stalks of the two lupine flowers photographed in a garden in Sweden

A snap of the squirrel as it thrusts itself further up the stalks of the two lupine flowers photographed in a garden in Sweden

The shots show how the rodent can stand upright on its two legs without using its hands for support  on the flowers

The shots show how the rodent can stand upright on its two legs without using its hands for support on the flowers

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작성일2018-07-10 09:13

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