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세계에서 가장 절경에 위치한 도로 43곳

페이지 정보



Slide 2 of 44: Maui's lush landscape is mesmerizing but so too is this winding road that snakes along the northeast coastline of the island. It takes drivers past rainforest, over little bridges, alongside trickling waterfalls and around numerous hairpin bends. The dramatic coastal road, which is 52 miles (84km) long and goes between Pa'ia and Hana, has become a Hawaii must-do.

Slide 3 of 44: Cyclists, motorbikers and motorists alike laud this infamous mountain pass in the Italian alps near the Swiss border as one of the ultimate roads. At just over 9,000 feet (2,743m), Stelvio Pass is the second highest mountain pass in the Alps. But it's the 48 hairpin turns that make it the most amazing. The original road dates back to the 1820s. It's open between May and November.

Slide 4 of 44: This sinuous road in the Dadès Valley in the Ouarzazate province snakes down into a gorge, past staggering mountain scenery and ancient kasbahs. You'll pass through some of the High Atlas Mountains' most dramatic scenery on this extreme section of the R704 road, which was built down into the red-hued canyon of the Dadès River. It makes for a hair-raising but thrilling drive.

Slide 5 of 44: Arguably Australia's most famous drive, the Great Ocean Road in Victoria is everything its name promises: soaring ocean vistas, sheer cliffs, and near-deserted surf beaches. The 151-mile-long (243km) road goes from Torquay in the east to Allansford and it was constructed along the storm-ravaged coast in the 1920s by Australian servicemen who returned from the First World War and is officially the world's largest war memorial. Its most famous feature is the Twelve Apostles, a striking rock formation.
Slide 6 of 44: Test your mettle on the fearsome-sounding Trollstigen, a mountain road that winds between the villages of Valldal in Indre Sunnmøre and Åndalsnes in Romsdalen and past awe-inspiring scenery. It opened in 1939 as an important transport passage and has become one of Norway's most popular sights. With 11 sharp bends (each named after one of the construction workers) and a steep incline, the incredible road was even hand hewn into the mountain in some parts. It's closed in winter however.

Slide 7 of 44: One of the longest overwater roads in the world, Florida's Overseas Highway stretches from Miami on the mainland to Key West, the furthest of the islands. Completed in 1938, many sections of the highway were built over the route of the Florida East Coast Railway, which was irrevocably damaged in a hurricane. It's 113 miles (182km) long and has 42 bridges, including the famous Seven Mile Bridge. The route offers drivers magnificent views of the Keys and the Florida Straits. 

Slide 8 of 44: Another contender for the ultimate mountain pass has to be Bolivia's notorious Yungas Road. Also known as El Camino de la Muerte (

Slide 9 of 44: Spanning the Tara River in northern Montenegro, historic Djurdjevica bridge is one of the country's most spectacular sights and a wonder to drive across. Gaze across at the hills, river and at the gaping canyon below. The lofty arched bridge was built between 1939 and 1940 and was the biggest vehicular concrete arch bridge in Europe when it was completed. During the Second World War the central arch was detonated to halt the Italian invasion. It was rebuilt in 1946. Discover more of the world's most beautiful bridges here. 

Slide 12 of 44: It's not very long but this extraordinarily curvy road in the Veneto region of northern Italy lures vintage car lovers around the globe to drive along it. The road, which was built by war prisoners and locals under Austrian command in 1918 between the towns of Trichiana and Tovena, is carved into the rocks. San Boldo Pass is so narrow that only one car can pass along it at a time so there are several sets of traffic lights along the way. Discover more of the world's most dangerous roads here.

Slide 37 of 44: Drivers must contend with extreme weather conditions and an extremely narrow and steep route on this hazardous road between Ladakh and Kashmir in India. As well as strong winds and landslides, there are no barriers to prevent vehicles from plunging down the steep gorge. The pass, which climbs to 11,500 feet (3,000m) above sea level on the edge of the Himalayas, is part of National Highway 1, which goes between Srinagar and Leh. 

Slide 38 of 44: Don’t look down is the mantra to repeat as you navigate some of the most hair-raising sections of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, which wriggles 1,367 miles from Chengdu to Lhasa. This precarious path is one of the world’s highest roads but also one of the most incredible. It passes through snow-capped peaks, vast forested valleys, rushing rivers, glacial lakes and ancient monasteries. Expect plenty of sharp turns, sheer drops and adverse weather conditions if you drive in winter.

Slide 39 of 44: You need to be serious about skiing to take on the winding mountain road that takes you up to Portillo, a ski resort high in the Chilean Andes. Tackling the road's series of seemingly endless switchbacks is the only way up into the steep mountain. As well as motion sickness, heavy traffic (it’s also the main highway from Santiago to Mendoza in Argentina) and bad weather can als</table></div>
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작성일2021-11-16 08:44

공수래님의 댓글

29번 (Going to the Sun road, Glacier National Park, Montana) 하고 33번 (1번 도로) 를 가 봤습니다. Glacier National Park 안에 있는 Going to the Sun Road 는 정말 볼만했습니다.
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