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할로윈 분장 연습한듯 했으나 노메이컵이라는 킴 카다시안

페이지 정보



Low-key: Kim Kardashian opted for an uncharacteristically casual look as she headed to the gym in Beverly Hills, swapping her trademark vertiginous heels for trainers

Bootylicious: Kim also donned a pair of figure-hugging grey jogging bottoms that clung to her famously peachy posterior as she settled down on the pavement 

All about the accessories: Kim's only jewellery on the day was a delicate gold necklace

Pensive: Seeming deep in thought, it's possible the 37-year-old reality star was thinking about her new arrival, amid claims her surrogate is due in just a matter of weeks

Big decision: Going make-up free for the outing, Kim allowed her natural beauty to shine through, looking radiant as she closely examined some green juice bottles

Casual: Whilst she may have traded in her usual figure-hugging dresses for sportswear, the blonde bombshell still showed off her hourglass curves in a tight white vest

All about the accessories: Slightly out of place with her low-key look, Kim toted a large leather handbag with her as she rested outside the gym on the pavement

Juiced up: Kim seemed in good spirits as she handed a drink over to her friend after seeming to make her choice between the healthy green juices 

Check it out: Kim had seemed deep in thought after her daily workout

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작성일2017-10-26 09:17

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