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괌 판사 부부에 대한 상황 - 벌금 천불

페이지 정보



아동학대 혐의는 적용되지 않았고
경범죄로 1천 달러의 벌금형
10월 25일날 재판은 본인이 벌금에 대해 불만이 있으면 참석하는 날자 인것 같음
보통 경범죄는 벌금형이 나왔을 때
죄를 인정하고 벌금을 내면 상황이 끝남

By Krystal PacoCONNECT
Just days after their arrest, tourist couple Sangwoo Yoon and Jungeun Sul pleaded guilty to leaving children unattended or unsupervised in a motor vehicle as a petty misdemeanor.

On Monday, the couple admitted to leaving their 1-year-old baby girl and 6-year-old son in the car while they shopped at Kmart.

Two women in the parking lot spotted the kids and called 911.

The car doors were locked, the windows up, and the engine off.

Only after the kids were pulled from the hot car did mom and dad appear, reportedly telling police they were only in the store for three minutes.

Yoon told police he is an attorney and his wife a judge, both working in South Korea.

The couple must pay a 1-thousand dollar fine.

Fortunately, their children were unharmed.

추천 1

작성일2017-10-06 15:09

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