* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

여자친구와 해변가에서 물놀이중인 아놀드 슈왈츠제네거 혼외자 아들 조셉

페이지 정보



Beach: Arnold Schwarzenegger's son Joseph Baena was spotted celebrating the Fourth of July with a trip to the beach in Los Angeles on Wednesday, and was joined by a blonde beauty

Dip: The handsome 20-year-old went shirtless as he took a cooling dip in the Pacific Ocean

Shorts: He donned a pair of black swimming shorts as he enjoyed his leisurely day at the beach

Going swimmingly: He also displayed his physical prowess as he swam through the waters

Upbeat mood: He appeared to be in an upbeat mood as he enjoyed his day out with his friends

Splash: Meanwhile, his pretty blonde companion was also seen enjoying a splash in the ocean

Day out: She sprinted along the golden shores as she made the most of her fun-filled day out

Two of us: The pair left their friends behind for some time as they swam together in the ocean

Ab fab: The blonde beauty looked impressively toned as she made her way out of the water

Chat: They enjoyed a conversation in the sweltering summer sunshine in the midst of their fun

Working on their fitness: They both looked incredibly athletic as they waded into the water

Tank top Joseph arrived at the beach wearing a red tank top, emblazoned with 'Los Angeles'

Shades: As they relaxed on the beach, Joseph was seen wearing a purple shades on his mane

Towel: As Joseph prepared to depart the beach with his friends, he was seen cleaning his towel

Neat and tidy: Joseph carefully folded his towel as he jovially chatted away with his friends

Relationship: His famous father Arnold opened up about his relationship with Joseph, who he fathered with his former housekeeper Mildred Baena while he was married to Maria

추천 0

작성일2018-07-09 09:43

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