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San Mateo County added to state’s COVID-19 watch list

페이지 정보



유일하게 워치리스트에 없다고 어제도 뉴스를 보았는데,
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San Mateo County added to state’s COVID-19 watch list

SAN MATEO, Calif. (KRON) – All Bay Area counties have landed on the state’s coronavirus watch list.

This comes after San Mateo County on Wednesday became the most recent California county added to the list.

According to county data, there were 998 new cases reported in the last 14 days, and four new deaths.

At last check, there were 5,306 confirmed coronavirus cases in the county and 118 deaths.

There were 27,971 coronavirus tests reported in the last 14 days, with 3.6% of tests positive.

A further shutdown may be ordered by the state if the county remains on the list for three days.

A total of 38 counties are on the list, 93% of the state’s population.
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작성일2020-07-29 11:44

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