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쌍둥이 임신했다는 킴 카다시안의 대리모

페이지 정보



대리모에게는 4만 5천불 10달동안 나눠서 한달에 4천 5백불씩 지불.  쌍둥이면 5천불 추가, 세 쌍둥이면 만불 추가로 대리모에게 지불 한다고 했다네요.

Looking bigger:&nbspKim Kardashian's surrogate was spotted again in Southern California on Tuesday it is believed the unnamed woman is due in late January

Going to see Kim or Kanye?&nbspOn Tuesday the surrogate looked to be in a rush as she made her way to a car

Hands full:&nbspShe held onto a beverage from Dunkin Donuts and another from Ocean's Spray and a black wallet. She also had in her arms a notepad and iPad

A Nike girl: The lady, who lives in Southern California, had on a Bike hat, shirt and sneakers

One or two? The woman was sporting a bigger bump than when she was photographed a month ago.&nbspThat may just be a normal size for a woman who is six months along, or she may be pregnant with twins. It's impossible to tell

Details:&nbspIn September TMZ claimed she is an African-American married college graduate in her Twenties who has been married for five years

A hands-on mommy: The Vogue cover girl with her two kids this summer

This is how it all started:&nbspshe tweeted: 'Anyone know who makes the best double stroller? Not a tiny compact one but regular size'

Recovery mode: Soon after the KKW Beauty mogul said the stroller was for Saint and North

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작성일2017-10-25 11:19

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