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아틀란타에서 영화 촬영중인 러셀 크로우와 니콜 키드먼

페이지 정보



At work: Russell Crowe was seen preparing for a scene for his film Boy Erased in Atlanta, Georgia with a crew person on Tuesday

More of Russell: The Australian actor looked fuller than usual as he wore a blue shirt and khakis while holding what looked to be part of a script

Taking his time:&nbspRussell has yet to react to Waxman's accusation, though Damon told Deadline on Tuesday he didn't see any wrongdoing on Harvey's part

Heavy subject:&nbspBoy Erased is based on Garrard Conley's book about a son of a baptist preacher who is forced to participate in a church-supported gay conversion program

His old pal:&nbspMeanwhile, Kidman wore a bright blonde wig that cut off at her shoulders. She was almost unrecognizable in her non designer clothing

So VIP: . The wife of Keith Urban had an umbrella handler shield her from sprinkles

꾸민 니콜 키드먼

Harvey gave her this role:&nbspOn Monday Kidman released a statement to People about Weinstein. She had worked with Harvey on Lion, Nine (pictured), Cold Mountain and The Others. 'As I've stated before publicly, I support and applaud all women and these women who speak out against any abuse and misuse of power'

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작성일2017-10-11 08:57

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