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$600 이상 은행 거래를 트랙킹하겠다는 바이든 정부

페이지 정보



앞으로, $600 이상의 은행 거래 내용을 정부기관 (IRS) 에서 트랙킹 할 수 있게 될지도 모르겠어요.

지금 현재 바이든 행정부와 민주당 (특히 progressive 민주당 의원들) 의원들이 밀고 있는 $3.5 Trillion 예산법안에 들어가는 비용을 매꾸기 위한 한가지 방법으로, 모든 사람들이 $600 이상 거래한 은행 내용을 은행에서 IRS에 보고하게 하려는 플랜이 $3.5 Trillion 법안에 포함되어 있다고 합니다. 

- A major component of President Joe Biden’s plan to raise revenue to pay for his trillions of dollars in new federal spending is now under fire from trade associations across the country. The Biden administration has made clear its plan to beef up IRS auditing by expanding the agency’s funding and power. Biden’s latest proposal would require banks to turn over to the Internal Revenue Service bank account information for all accounts holding more than $600. (Yahoo News)

- The Biden Administration's new proposal would have banks submit annual reports on any account with transactions or activity over $600 to the IRS, and lawmakers are divided. (ABC13 News)

- The proposal would require banks, credit unions and other financial companies to monitor deposits and withdrawals in accounts that have balances above $600 at any time during the year. That would include the vast majority of personal and small-business accounts. (AZ Central)

- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is defending a Biden administration proposal that would require banks to report data to the Internal Revenue Service on transactions over $600, calling the collection of information “routine,” after taking heat for the idea that is widely seen as an unprecedented invasion of privacy. (New York Post)
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작성일2021-10-10 21:53

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