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NASA model predicts wildfire smoke to drift over nearly every U.S. sta…

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NASA model predicts wildfire smoke to drift over nearly every U.S. state this week

SAN FRANCISCO (NEXSTAR) – In addition to monitoring storms, lightning, heat advisories and other weather events, meteorologists have a new role on the West Coast: smoke forecaster.

On Sunday night, the San Francisco Bay Area office of the National Weather Service tweeted a model of projected smoke movement over the next several hours.

“This is considered experimental,” meteorologists cautioned. They aren’t the only office now attempting to inform residents about movements of the potentially harmful air they are breathing.

Millions across California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho have been hit with unhealthy and at time hazardous air conditions since some of the nation’s largest wildfires on record sparked in mid-August. Increasingly, meteorologists are attempting to provide information on when things will actually improve. Unfortunately, that may not be anytime soon.
‘Stay Inside’: Warnings issued over potentially unhealthy air

A modeling tool from NASA’s Global Modeling Assimilation Office attempts to give us some sense of the potential movement of particulate matter from the smoke in our atmosphere in the coming days. On Sunday, the NWS Boise office tweeted a new model from the GMAO showing smoke drifting across some 40 U.S. states between September 13th and September 18th.

As you can see in the animation below, the smoke particles are projected to stretch across every state in the Northeast before drifting into the deep South late in the week.

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작성일2020-09-14 14:14

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