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킬라우에아 화산 폭발로 피해가 늘어가는 하와이 현재 상태

페이지 정보



하와이 화산 활동과 지진이 계속됨에 따라 가옥 등이 큰 피해를 보고 있는 가운데 미국 지질조사국은 분출 가능한 용암이 더 존재하기 때문에 당분간 화산 활동이 지속될 것으로 전망하고 있다.

현지 주요 소식통에 의하면 하와이 화산 활동으로 분출한 용암이 인근 마을까지 흘러 내려가 현재까지 최소 30여 채의 가옥이 재로 변했다. 하화이 재난 당국의 대피 명령에 지역 주민 1천 800명과 화산국립공원 방문객 2천600명이 긴급 대피했다.

This striking photo made available by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows the entire north portion of the Overlook crater in the Mount Kilauea volcano, Pahoa, Hawaii

Emergency authorities battling lava flows and gas erupting from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano warned some residents to evacuate after a new fissure opened

So far, Kilauea has destroyed 26 homes and forced 1,700 people to leave their residences since it erupted on Thursday, spewing lava and toxic gas from volcanic vents in a small area of Hawaii's Big Island

A new fissure opened Sunday night in the Leilani Estates area some 12 miles from the volcano, prompting a cellphone alert for residents to leave homes to avoid sulfur dioxide gas, which can be life threatening at high levels

As of 3.30am local time, 161 people were housed at two evacuation centers on the island, the Hawaii Civil Defense Agency said

Parishioners pray during Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Church on Hawaii's Big Island. One parishioner from the church had their home destroyed by the recent lava flows in the area

No fatalities or major injuries have been reported so far from the volcano, according to the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency.&nbspA plume of volcanic gas mixed with smoke from fires rises amidst clouds in the Leilani Estates neighborhood

Evacuees from Leilani Estates were allowed to return for pets, medications and to check property on Sunday

A structure burns as lava from volcanic fissures slowly advances in the Leilani Estates neighborhood in the aftermath of eruptions from the the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island

Lava from volcanic fissures slowly advances and overtakes structures and trees in the Leilani Estates neighborhood

Fires caused by lava burn in the Leilani Estates neighborhood in the aftermath of eruptions from the the Kilauea volcano

According to the&nbspUSGS, fissure eruptions continue, with fissure 8 (pictured) producing lava fountains and an a flow across Ho'okopu Road

A robust fissure eruption in Leilani Estates near Pahoa sends a massive flow into the subdivision, consuming all in its path - including Amber's home 

Leilani Estates, a subdivision in the mostly rural district of Puna, is at greatest risk. Authorities ordered more than 1,700 residents to evacuate from there and nearby Lanipuna Gardens

Lava flows towards a home with a swimming pool while consuming another nearby in this Sunday photograph taken from the air

Lava burns across a road in the Leilani Estates subdivision as a man takes pictures of the flow. In the foreground, plants grow through the tarmac 

An aerial shot of lava flowing in Hawaii

Lava flowing into homes in Leilani Estates

Residents jam a street after being allowed to briefly return home to check on belongings and pets in an evacuation zone near volcanic activity yesterday

Lava burns across a road as an offering to the volcano goddess lies in the foreground in the Leilani Estates subdivision on Saturday

Lava advances along a street near a fissure in the Leilani Estates neighborhood on Saturday in a photograph provided by the&nbspUS Geological Survey

Numerous vents, each several hundred yards long, have opened in the neighborhood since Thursday following the volcano eruption

Scientists said Kilauea was likely to release more lava through additional vents, but they were unable to predict exactly where

[데일리연합 류아연기자] 하와이 제도 빅아일랜드 섬 동부, 킬라우에아 화산 분화구 위로 하얀 증기가 뿜어져 나와 가스 기둥을 형성한 모습을 볼 수 있다.

새롭게 생성된 용암 분출구에서는 시뻘건 용암이 흘러내리는 모습이 카메라에 담겼다.

현지 시간 5일 낮, 규모 6.9의 강진이 킬라우에아 남부 산자락을 강타하면서 용암 분출구에 균열이 하나 더 생겼다.

이로써 용암 분출구는 모두 9개로 늘었다.

하와이 현지 언론에 따르면 용암 분출구의 크기는 최대 150m에 달하고 용암이 공중으로 치솟는 용암 분천의 경우 높이가 50m에 이르는 곳도 있다.

용암이 주거 지역까지 흐르면서 주민 1만여 명에게 대피령이 내려진 상태다.

화산에서는 용암뿐 아니라 치명적인 호흡기 질환을 유발하는 유독성 이산화황 가스도 분출되고 있다고 하와이 재난 당국은 경고했다.

현재 하와이 화산 국립공원은 완전히 폐쇄됐고 인근에 있던 관광객 2,600여 명 역시 긴급 대피령에 따라 피신했다.


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작성일2018-05-07 19:15

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