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San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee dies suddenly at the age of 65 'after suffering heart attack at the grocery store'

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital around 1.15am on Tuesday
Sources told the San Francisco Examiner that he suffered a heart attack at a grocery store in the Sunnyside neighborhood and was rushed to the hospital

Lee, 65, was the city's first Asian-American mayor

The former civil rights lawyer first became mayor in January 2011, when Gavin Newsom vacated the position to become lieutenant governor

Lee went on to win the mayoral election in November 2011, and again in 2015

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died early on Tuesday, local media reported.

Lee's cause of death was not immediately released, but sources told the San Francisco Examiner that Lee suffered a heart attack while shopping at a Safeway grocery store in the Sunnyside neighborhood.

The 65-year-old was taken to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital where he was pronounced dead around 1.15am local time, surrounded by his friends and family, according to a statement from his office.

'It is with profound sadness and terrible grief that we confirm that Mayor Edwin M. Lee passed away,' the statement said. 'Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Anita, his two daughters, Brianna and Tania, and his family.'

추천 1

작성일2017-12-12 09:56

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