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화재가 얼마나 진압이 되었나? What we know about LNU, CZU, SCU complex fires in San…

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What we know about LNU, CZU, SCU complex fires in Santa Cruz, Napa, Sonoma, San Mateo counties and beyond

The latest on fire size, acres burned and containment on the major 2020 Northern California fires

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A record-breaking heat wave combined with more than 13,000 lightning strikes sparked 625 wildfires around Northern California.

Many of those fires merged into what CAL FIRE calls "complexes" and spread out of control, burning homes, businesses and ancient redwood trees in the greater Bay Area.

The three major complexes in the Bay Area are the LNU Lightning Complex in the North Bay, the SCU Lightning Complex in the East and South Bay and the CZU Lightning Complex in the southern Peninsula, between San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties.


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작성일2020-09-01 14:24

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