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6명의 자녀들과 새영화 시사회에 참석한 87세 클린트 이스트우드

페이지 정보



 (오늘쪽에서 부터) Kyle, Alison and Scott

Family outing: (from left) Clint Eastwood posed with three of his children - (from left) Kyle, Alison and Scott - at Monday's The 15:17 To Paris Los Angeles premiere 

(from left) Morgan, Kathryn and Francesca

&nbspThe man behind the movie: Clint, 87, who directed the film, was also joined by three of his daughters (from left) Morgan, Kathryn and Francesca

His leading lady: The director of The 15:17 To Paris was joined at its premiere by his platinum blonde girlfriend Christina Sandera (far left), who is 33 years his junior

Troika: Francesca, Morgan and Kathryn Eastwood, three more of Clint's brood, also attended

Meanwhile: The hunky Scott (left), 31, modeled a glinting dark suit over a midnight blue dress shirt, going without a tie and leaving his top button undone over his chest

Quartet: Kyle (second from left), a 49-year-old jazz guitarist, was flight attendant chic in a blue suit he wore over a dress shirt in exactly the same shade

Contrast: Modeling black stilettos of her own, 21-year-old actress Morgan Eastwood elegantly clashed an immaculate white blazer against a black mini-dress

All that sweet affection: In one photograph, Kathryn planted a kiss on her aged father's cheek

스캇과 케서린의 엄마 Jacelyn Reeves

Image result for Jacelyn Reeves

앨리슨과 카일의 엄마 Maggie Johnson

Related image

Image result for Maggie Johnson

프란체스카의 엄마 Frances Fisher (65세)

Image result for Frances Fisher

Image result for Frances Fisher

모건의 엄마 Dina Eastwood (52세)

Image result for Dina Eastwood

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작성일2018-02-06 07:31

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