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코트 걸치고 나온 멜라니아 트럼프

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First Lady Melania appears to be hiding her hand beneath her coat while standing next to&nbnbspPresident Trump on Monday

Several Twitter users speculated whether she was dodging his attempts to hold her hand once more 

President Trump is seen displaying his hand closely to his wife while Melania's is nowhere to be found 

Twitter users shared their thoughts about whether Melania was really as cheery as she put on for cameras on Monday

The first couple give each other a look as reporters watch them stroll across the South Lawn after spending the day in Ohio, with the president giving a speech on tax reform and the first lady visiting a children's hospital 

First lady Melania Trump  gives President Donald Trump a smile as the two walk through the South Lawn after a day trip to Ohio Monday

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump enter the White House after spending the day visiting with Americans in Ohio

As reporters shouted questions at President Trump, POTUS put his arm on the first lady's back and escorted her into the White House 

An aide followed the president and first lady into the White House with a Louis Vuitton after the couple spent the day away in Ohio 

President Trump escorts first lady Melania Trump back inside the White House after the couple took a day trip to Ohio, with the first lady visiting a children's hospital and talking to medical professionals about opioid treatments

The president and first lady are photographed returning to the White House after a day trip in Ohio amid rumors that they're having relationship issues 

Trump played the role of gentleman as he escorted first lady Melania Trump to and from their helicopter, Marine One

The president didn't take questions from reporters as he returned to the White House Monday night, though he did affectionately walk Melania Trump into the building

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump walk to Marine One upon prior to departure from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, February 5

RIGHT THIS WAY: Trump escorted his wife to Marine One

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump walk from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, U.S., before their departure to Cincinnati, February 5, 2018

The pair stopped and smiled for cameras who were there for the departure

The couple took the trip amid new focus on their message following a TV appearance by Stormy Daniels

President Donald Trump (R) and first Lady Melania Trump embark on Air Force 1 on their way to Cincinnati, Ohio, at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington DC on February 05, 2018

신시내티 아동병원 방문한 멜라니아

First lady Melania Trump (left) plays with a young girl Monday at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

An individual holds up one of the Valentines first lady Melania Trump brought with her to pass out to patients Monday at the&nbspCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

First lady Melania Trump purses her lips during a visit to the&nbspCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center on Monday 

Melania Trump (center right) was joined by Jane Portman (right), the wife of Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway (left). The women were escorted around the facility by&nbspMichael Fisher, president of Cincinnati Children's Hospital

First lady Melania Trump (left) and&nbspJane Portman (right), the wife of Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman, interact with some of the young patients as they play 

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway (left) and Melania Trump (second from right) interact with kids at the&nbspCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 

Melania Trump (left) picks up one little patient during her visit to the&nbspCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center as Jane Portman (right) looks on 

Melania Trump (right) leans over and speaks to a young patient at the&nbspCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center on Monday 

멜라니아가 입은 코트는 랄프 로렌 $4950

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작성일2018-02-06 07:33

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