* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

어제 새벽 과속으로 사고나 숨진 전 MBA 선수 라슈얼 버틀러와 부인

페이지 정보



새벽두시 부인(아메리칸 아이돌 출신)과 레인지 로버 타고 가는도중 과속으로 건물 들이받고 파킹 메터기 받고 차가 전복되서 둘다 그 자리에서 사망했다네요.

Rasual Butler and Leah LaBelle attend the 2017 NBA Awards at Basketball City - Pier 36 - South Street  in New York City last June

Both Rasual Butler and wife Leah LaBelle were the only reported casualties in the crash 

Butler's Range Rover reportedly flipped over after it struck a parking meter in Los Angeles

The collision reportedly occurred in L.A.'s Studio City around 2am on Wednesday morning 

The vehicle reportedly hit a parking meter before slamming into a wall and flipping over

Debris from Rasual Butler's Range Rover at the scene of the accident in Studio City 

Rasual Butler and his wife sit in the audience BET's 'Players' Awards' in 2015

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작성일2018-02-01 08:20

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