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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stopped for lunch at Stockholm's royal palace with the King and Queen of Sweden, centre, their daughter Crown Princess Victoria, far right, and her husband Prince Daniel, second from right

The Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a chic&nbspgreen shift dress custom-made by royal favourite Catherine Walker, joined her husband as he chatted with the King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden ahead of the lunch at the Royal Palace

After their morning at the ice rink, William and Kate made their way to the&nbspRoyal Palace of Stockholm with (left to right) King&nbspCarl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Prince Daniel and Crown Princess Victoria 

The Duchess of Cambridge swapped her casual outfit for a green Catherine Walker dress as they joined the Swedish royals for lunch 

The Duke and Duchess looked relaxed as they spent time chatting to the Swedish royals before retiring for a lunch

The Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Daniel, the Duke of Cambridge and Crown Princess Victoria stroll through Stockholm

The royal couples looked relaxed as they walked from the royal palace to the Nobel Museum in Stockholm

As she stepped outside for a stroll after lunch, Kate donned a matching green coat by royal favourite Catherine Walker

The Duchess carried a &pound895 Mini Seaton Black bag by Mulberry

Crown Princess Victoria walking with William

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent time greeting crowds who had braved the cold to see the British royals, pictured

Dozens of well-wishers gathered in a picturesque Stockholm square to snap pictures of the couple as they toured the city

점심 식사후 하키하러간 부부

The couple received a warm welcome from royal fans who had gathered to greet them on their first morning in Stockholm 

William put a protective hand on his pregnant wife's back as she made her way through the snow 

The couple were served a non-alcoholic version of Gl&oumlgg, which is usually warm wine or coffee laced with alcohol

The couple were served with much-needed hot drinks and biscuits on a freezing morning in Stokholm 

Prince William was presented with his own personalised hockey jersey, and he was no doubt delighted to be number one 

The Duchess was delighted to receive gifts of signed bandy hockey shirts as well as smaller versions for George and Charlotte 

Kate knew how to hold the stick and had a very good swing, according to a player who talked her through what she needed to do before the shoot out 

The Duchess of Cambridge got competitive with her husband on a ‘bandy hockey’ rink today during their first engagement of a tour to Sweden and Norway

The Duchess, who was a keen hockey player at school, had a good stance but unluckily missed two out of her three shots 

Kate showed she was a good sport, laughing off her defeat by William as they tried their hand at bandy hockey 

William stepped up first and scored with two of his attempts

The Duchess of Cambridge couldn't resists giving her husband a cheeky glance as she took to the red carpet for her turn at scoring 

Kate and Williamam looked delighted to meet young bandy players on the ice at Vasaparken as they commenced their official visit to Stockholm 

Jolly hockey stick! Pregnant Kate celebrated after she hit a successful shot while trying her hand at bandy hockey 

Kate had a very good stance for hockey, according to an international bandy player 

Sporty Kate, 36, looked right at home on the ice rink as she took some shots at goal

She succeeded on her second attempt but didn't manage to beat William

Friendly rivals William and Kate dicussed their strategy ahead of taking shots

The Duchess wrapped up warm for the outing in a shearling coat by Burberry

Kate looked delighted to receive a mini bandy hockey jersey as a gift for Princess Charlotte

Team spirit! The Duke and Duchess posed for a group photo with local bandy players of all ages 

The Duke and Duchess enjoyed a spot of banter as Kate handed over the hockey stick for William to take his turn 

Gleeful Kate was looking particularly cheerful today as she got a chance to showcase her sporty side

It was also another change for the royal pair to showcase the friendly sporting rivalry that's often a feature of their overseas tours

The Duke and Duchess who are known for their friendly sporting rivalry exchanged a joke as they tried to beat each other at hockey 

Kate, who is due to give birth to her third child in two months time, showed off her prowess on the hockey pitch 

It may have been freezing cold but pregnant Kate was certainly in top form as she got the opportunity to indulge her 

William and Kate were served with a non alcoholic version of a refreshment usually served to hockey players and spectators 

The Duke and Duchess kicked off their visit to Scandinavia by watching a game of bandy hockey in Stokcholm 

Kate and William both donned bobble hats to keep warm, although William appeared to have rather unwisely left his gloves at home 

The Duchess went for head-to-toe black, teaming her Buberry coat with black skinny jeans and Sorel snow boots

The Duke and Duchess gave players a warm round of applause as they watched a game of bandy hockey 

The royal couple looked delighted to meet young bandy players on the ice at Vasaparken as they commenced their official visit to Stockholm

The Duke and Duchess were introduced to local bandy players as they undertook their first official engagement of their Scandinavian tour 

William and Kate who are looking forward to the birth of their third child in April smiled warmly as they met some of the youngest bandy hockey players on the team 

The Duchess kept cosy in a shearling coat by Burberry and wore a grey woolly hat with a cheerful pom pom to keep her ears toasty 

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작성일2018-01-30 08:47

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