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International Memorial Day for “Comfort Women” on August 14, 2021

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International Memorial Day for “Comfort Women”

August 14, 2021

Remembrance and Justice


Please join us for a virtual gathering of REMEMBRANCE and JUSTICE for the survivors and victims of Imperial Japan's military sexual slavery and human trafficking system during WWII.


Date:  August 14, 2021

Time:  11am Los Angeles time (PDT)


RSVP HERE for the online event:



Our guest judges will introduce the winners and finalists of the 2021 Essay Contest for high school and undergraduate students. The theme of the contest is "Whose His/Her Story" and focuses on the memoirs of two "comfort women" survivors: Maria Rosa Henson (Philippines) and Jan Ruff O'Herne (Netherlands).


Please see detailed guidelines posted HERE:

Guest judges:

traci kato-kiriyama

Kathleen Collins

Dr. Maki Kimura

Dr. Sandra Fahy


Afterwards, we invite you to join an open discussion and Q&A with members of CARE's Advisory Board about educational efforts and the movement for justice.


Mike Honda (Former Congressman, D-CA)

Alexis Dudden (Professor, History, UConn)

Kathy Masaoka (Nikkei Civil Rights and Redress, Co-Chair)

Mindy Kotler (Director, Asia Policy Point)

Hon. Lillian Sing (San Francisco Superior Court, ret.)

Hon. Julie Tang (San Francisco Superior Court, ret.)

Phyllis Kim (Executive Director, Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education)

(Participants may change based upon availability.)


The online event will be recorded and is scheduled for 1.5 hours but may run longer.


The essay contest is co-sponsored in community with:


Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress (NCRR)

YWCA Glendale and Pasadena (YWCA GP)

Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA)

Pacific Asian Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance (PANPA)

Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF)

Korean American Family Services (KFAM)

Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC)

Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California (PWC)

Korean American Coalition (KAC)

Peace Over Violence (POV)

REMINDER:  We are still gathering signatures in support of survivor Lee Yong-soo’s final campaign to refer “comfort women” issues to the U.N. International Court of Justice. 


Your signature is crucial to demonstrate widespread interest in a lasting resolution to this historic injustice.  As of today, there are 180+ signatures representing 15 countries.


Please sign and share the petition HERE


Read a recent article on the Korean “comfort women” survivors [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/skoreas-few-surviving-comfort-women-face-lifes-end-political-fight-rages-2021-07-02/]


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS:  Let us know if you’re interested in helping to organize essay submissions and create graphics!


See our past projects and contests below: 


8/14 Project for 2020 International Memorial Day for Comfort Women:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmD-1qoWlwQ


2019 Student Video Contest: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlHMzneOeh8qYLnKx4p6HznSdnUU01Wh-


2018 Student Artwork Contest:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgmhueA13U/


PLEASE EMAIL ANY QUESTIONS TO comfortwomenaction@gmail.com.



Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education
Executive Director: Phyllis Kim
P.O. 9627
Glendale, CA 91226
Ph. 213-880-7992

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