* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

제니퍼 로렌스가 어리다고 혜어지고 26세와 사귀는 영화감독 48세 대런 아로노프스키

페이지 정보



제니퍼 로렌스(27세) 의 최신영화 마더의 감독인 48세 대런 아로노프시키.  영화 찍으면서 만나서 제니퍼와 사귐.  하지만 제니퍼가 나이차가 너무 나서 힘들다고 하고 헤어짐.  제니퍼와 헤어지고 제니퍼보다 한살 더 어린 슈키와 사귐.

Moving on: Darren Aronofsky was spotted braving icy Park City, Utah on Monday with model Suki Waterhouse, 26, by his side

Side by side:&nbspThe pair were practically attached at the hip as they walked close to each other before grabbing some lunch

Bundle up! The pair were completely covered up as they braved the icy winter weather 

The ex factor: The model was previously in a two year relationship with Bradley Cooper, before breaking up in 2015

Winter wonderland: Waterhouse marveled at the stunning scenery 

Getting along famously! Darren and Suki were not only physically close, but seemed to be getting along just fineGetting along famously! Darren and Suki were not only physically close, but seemed to be getting along just fine

Let's do lunch: The pair made a pit stop at a restaurant 

All ears: Aronofsky attentively listened to Waterhouse All ears! Aronofsky listened attentively to Waterhouse

Matters of the heart: Just two months ago, it emerged the director had split from Jennifer in October

Walk and talk: Darren and Suki enjoyed a lively conversation during their stroll through the snowWalk and talk: Darren and Suki enjoyed a lively conversation during their stroll through the snow

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작성일2018-01-24 10:38

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