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남편과 함께 레브론 행사가는 플러스 사이즈 모델 30세 애슐리 그레이엄

페이지 정보



Hot couple: Ashley Graham, 30, couldn't have looked more smitten as she stepped out with her husband Justin Ervin for the Revlon Live Boldly event in New York City on Wednesday

Incredible: Ashley, who is recognised as one of the most prominent curve models in the world, poured her envy-inducing figure into a sensational plunging purple dress with black panels

She's got front! The number boasted a low-cut off-the-shoulder sweetheart bust, which showcased her plentiful cleavage

Standing tall: The soaring thigh-high split put focus on her envy-inducing endless legs

Wow: The catwalk star boosted her height in a pair of simple, yet elegant heels and glammed up the look furthermore with a pair of glittering earringsWow: The catwalk star boosted her height in a pair of simple, yet elegant heels and glammed up the look furthermore with a pair of glittering earrings

Mane attraction: Ensuring she was primped and preened to perfection, the photogenic beauty sported a glossy, side-parted wavy blow-dry

Stunning: Ashley enhanced her naturally striking looks with a coat of purple smokey eyeshadow and bronzer

New era: The model shared the news on the Today show that morning, saying that Revlon is 'moving in the right direction' by choosing models that actually look like its customers

Glam squad! Ashley posed with fellow Revlon ambassadors and models Raquel Zimmerman, Adwoa Aboah and Imaan Hammam, who all looked stunning-as-can-be at the event

What a Gal! She also caught up with Gal Gadot, who was named the brand's Global Ambassador at the start of the monthNatural wonder! The Wonder Woman star commanded attention in a daring black dress with sheer skirt on the red carpet

Model form! Ashley has been busy lately promoting reality show America's Next Top Model, where she has been serving as a judge

Handsome: Proving to be Ashley's best accessory was her husband Justin, who looked undeniably dapper in a slick velvet black coat

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작성일2018-01-25 08:12

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