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Carefree:&nbspRosie Huntington-Whiteley took her top off on Tuesday for a photo shoot on the beach in the Bahamas

A lot of help: The 30-year-old siren was surrounded by crew members including three men and two women

Now covered up:&nbspThe stunning supermodel looked comfortable as she showed off her slender post-baby body in tiny bikini briefs as adjusted her suit, then later cradled her chest

Modest:&nbspThe star was later seen walking on the beach again with no top on, but this time with her hands preserving her modesty

Modest:&nbspThe star was later seen walking on the beach again with no top on, but this time with her hands preserving her modesty

Let's hope she doesn't sneeze: There also appeared to be a video crew along as Rosie held onto her body

Now with her top on: The catwalk queen pouted just so as she looked off in the distance while on the pristine beach

Feeling good: The beauty looked at ease as she splashed around in the surf with her hair down, left, then back, right

Feeling good: The beauty looked at ease as she splashed around in the surf with her hair down, left, then back, right

It feels good to be back: The star has been modeling for 15 years and only took a break to welcome son Jack

Giving her best face: Huntington-Whiteley smiles as she walked up to the camera man and his assistants

Getting wet: After a dip in the warm waters, the&nbspDolce & Gabbana model had a laugh and pulled back her mane

Getting wet: After a dip in the warm waters, the&nbspDolce & Gabbana model had a laugh and pulled back her mane

She shines: Large gold earrings made a statement as the head-turner looked back at her crew

New look:&nbspLater the cover girl changed into a black bikini with grommets and a tie in front that fit her just right

New look:&nbspLater the cover girl changed into a black bikini with grommets and a tie in front that fit her just right

Glow for it: The&nbspPlymouth, United Kingdom native wore a gold necklace and earrings with a bangle

Her story: Her first modelling session was for a Levi's jeans commercial at the age of 16. She has since worked for Victoria's Secret, Givenchy, Burberry, Oscar De La Renta, Valentino, Michael Kors, Roberto Cavalli, Balmain and Louis Vuitton

Acting:&nbspIn May 2010, it was announced that Huntington-Whiteley would become the new female lead in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, replacing Megan Fox. She had previously worked with the film's director, Michael Bay, on a Victoria's Secret commercial

Acting:&nbspIn May 2010, it was announced that Huntington-Whiteley would become the new female lead in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, replacing Megan Fox. She had previously worked with the film's director, Michael Bay, on a Victoria's Secret commercial

The leader of the back: The&nbspMad Max: Fury Road star walked on the beach as four women followed close behind

Another dip: Later the&nbspHarper's Bazaar cover girl walked back into the ocean for another swim

Another dip: Later the&nbspHarper's Bazaar cover girl walked back into the ocean for another swim

Getting her hands dirty: Rosie leaned down to feel the water as she was hit by wave after wave

That's all folks! At the end of the shoot, the pinup put a white towel on her head and one around her body

That's all folks! At the end of the shoot, the pinup put a white towel on her head and one around her body


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작성일2018-01-10 11:58

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