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하와이에서 친구들과 물놀이중인 73세 다이애나 로스

페이지 정보



Motown legend: Diana Ross hit the beach in Hawaii Tuesday rocking a frilly red swimsuit

Stylish: Ross, 73, wore a sarong matching the color of her one-piece wrapped around her body and knotted at the bosom

Matriarch: The  pop diva strolled barefoot in the sand as she spent time with some of her kids and grandkids on the island of Oahua

Hitmaker: She sported her signature bouffant hair and sunglasses

Family time: Joining the singer at the beach was her son Ross Naess, 30, the eldest of her two sons with second husband Arne Naess

Joyous times: The hitmaker beamed with joy as she interacted with her grandchildren 

Vacation: Ross was enjoying some down time ahead of a concert on Oahu and gigs in Honolulu this month as part of her Endless Memories tour

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작성일2018-01-10 12:01

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