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새벽 2시39분 버클리에서 진도 4.4 지진....피해없음

페이지 정보



헤이워드 지진대 비하 8마일 지점에서 발생
처음 발표한 4.7은 잘못됬다고 함

BERKELEY — An earthquake centered in the Berkeley-Oakland area shook the Bay Area at 2:39 a.m. Thursday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The 4.4 shaker, near the Claremont Hotel in the East Bay Hills, was along the Hayward Fault about 8 miles deep, the USGS said. It’s an area notorious for seismic risk — and yet another reminder of the threat lurking from a fault that’s the Bay Area’s most overdue for a major quake.

The quake was originally reported as 4.7, but was later downgraded to 4.4 by the USGS. It was widely felt from Santa Rosa to Gilroy.

“One would expect a lot of people to feel this size quake in the Bay Area,” said USGS geophysicist Jack Boatwright, who awoke to a few seconds of shaking at his San Francisco home. “The motions look about half as strong as you would expect for this size earthquake.”

Boatwright said the strongest ground motions were felt in the Emeryville area.

“Because of the size of the earthquake, we’re on alert if it will possibly be a foreshock of a bigger quake,” Boatwright said. “But there have been no aftershocks yet.”

There were no immediate reports of damage, according to the California Department of Emergency Services.
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작성일2018-01-04 07:57

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