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[펌] 8가지 예로 보여주는 트럼프 Tax Bil 적용

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The Multimillionaires in New York

These Manhattan residents have a jumbo mortgage (at an assumed 4 percent interest rate) and take a $40,000 deduction on mortgage interest pay property taxes of $96,250 and state income tax of $135,360 and make annual charitable contributions totaling $100,000. They will pay a bit more next year because they would lose key deductions, especially the ability to put down more than $10,000 in state and local taxes. That offsets a drop in the top marginal tax rate, from 39.6 percent to 37 percent. (The “marginal rate,” the rate paid on any extra dollar earned, is different from the “effective tax rate,” which is the overall, blended rate you pay as different tax rates are levied on your income at different thresholds.)

The Second-Home Scenario in California

A married couple has a primary residence in Malibu, California, and a second home in Lake Tahoe. The property tax on the Malibu home is $15,860, and they pay $4,896 on their second home they deduct a total of $40,000 in mortgage interest for the two homes and they give $50,000 to charity. This couple would lose almost $86,000 in deductions under the tax bill. Nonetheless, other changes—especially the drop in the top tax rate—means their effective tax rate creeps up by only 0.5 percentage points.

The Small Business Owners in Pittsburgh

This married couple with a small manufacturing business in Pittsburgh has $300,000 in pass-through business income. Their deductible mortgage interest adds up to $6,000 their property tax is $8,600 and they give 5 percent of their income to charity. These taxpayers get a big benefit from the new 20 percent deduction aimed at pass-through business owners, who pay their business income taxes through their individual tax returns. 

The Suburban Family in Westchester 

A married couple in a New York suburb has estimated state income tax of $17,290 their annual mortgage interest deduction is $14,000 and they pay property tax of $13,750—about the same amount they donate to charity. While the bill takes a bite out of this family’s deductions and exemptions, they would benefit from enhanced child tax credits and avoiding the alternative minimum tax, or AMT. (The bill would raise the thresholds at which the AMT applies—until 2026.) 

Single in Manhattan

This New York renter pays estimated state income tax of $8,148 and gives about $6,500 to charity. The final tax legislation is more generous to this taxpayer than the bills that originally passed the House and Senate. That’s because it permits the deduction of state and local income taxes up to $10,000. The original proposals scrapped the income tax deduction entirely and allowed only a $10,000 deduction for property taxes, which this renter doesn’t pay. 

Married in Austin 

This young couple rents and has income of $100,000. They give $5,000 a year to charity. The bill eliminates the personal exemption, an automatic $4,050 deduction for each family member. But for this couple, that loss is offset by rate cuts and a near-doubling of the standard deduction, from $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples. 

Median Income in Oregon

This Portland, Oregon, couple earns close to the median household income for the U.S. Their property tax bill is $1,688 their deductible mortgage interest is $3,000 and their estimated state income tax is $4,744.

Because this couple has few deductions, they benefit from the higher standard deduction, netting a 2018 tax cut of $949.

Renting in Milwaukee

This married couple rents and has an estimated 2017 state income tax bill of $2,104. This family ends up with negative income tax rate, because they benefit from the enhanced child tax credits, which are refundable. That means that, subject to limits, low-income taxpayers are able to get larger refunds than they pay in income taxes. 

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작성일2017-12-21 08:58

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