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역사적으로 추운 새해를 맞을거라는 미국 북부

페이지 정보



Bitter cold weather has taken hold of much of the northern United States and is expected to stay put for days to come into the New Year. A far-reaching arctic blast is going to make the temperatures drop even more 

The cold weather is going to dominate for days into New Year's Eve as it is predicted to feel like negative 8 degrees in Chicago, negative five degrees in New York and a freezing negative 35 degrees in Bangor, Maine

얼어붙은 Minnehaha Falls

The icy cold weather turned the Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, Minnesota into a beautiful frozen wonderland

The popular attraction has frozen over due to the super cold temperatures that have been in the single digits over the past few days

보스턴 다운타운

Forecasters warned of hypothermia and frostbite from arctic air settling in over the central U.S. and spreading east. Above people cross the street in downtown Boston on Thursday morning in freezing single-digit temperatures 

The National Weather Service said there's the potential for record-breaking cold this week in New England. Above a man walks in the snow in downtown Boston on Thursday morning. 


The frigid temperatures in New York City aren't stopping people from going outside and braving the cold snap

New York City Police Officers are patrolling the streets of the city in the freezing temperatures 

Pedestrians try to keep warm while walking in New York's Times Square on Wednesday. Freezing temperatures and below-zero wind chills socked much of the northern United States on Wednesday and will continue into the week

A boy tries to keep warm while walking through New York's Times Square on Wednesday


Soledda Hernandez stands on the roof of her car as she brushes off snow in Erie, Pennsylvania on Wednesday

City of Erie traffic engineering employee Chuck Carnes Jr. uses compressed air to clear snow from a traffic signal in the city on Wednesday. Carnes was part of a two-man crew clearing signals after a record-setting snowfall


A couple embraces as they brave the cold weather for a walk in Waterfront Park in Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday

Pedestrians brave cold weather for a stroll along the boardwalk at Waterfront Park in Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday


A worker moves around on the roof of a new section of Dubuque Senior High School on Wednesday in Dubuque, Iowa


Two riders go down one of the hills on the tubing hill Wednesday&nbspat Sunburst Winter Sports Park in the town of Kewaskum, Wisconsin


Above a&nbspsign warns pedestrians along the lakefront in Chicago, Illinois to stay off the thin ice 

States in the northern Plains and Great Lakes were projected to see highs in the teens or single digits and lows below zero for the rest of the week and into the new year. Above a man walks along the Chicago River

The forecast highs are pictured above for New Year's Weekend across the Northern and Midwest parts of the U.S. 

The forecast lows are pictured above for New Year's Weekend across the Northern and Midwest parts of the U.S.

올 한해 다들 수고 많으셨어요~~ 안좋은일들은 다 잊고 새해를 맞으라는데 그게 말 처럼 쉽나요.. 그래도 살아야 하는 인생이니 다들 힘 내시고 내년에는 좋은 일들도 많이 생기길 바라면서 열심히 삽시다~~~!! 아자아자 화이팅!

다들 새해 잘 맞으시고요~ 내년에 뵈요!

Image result for happy new year 2018

Image result for 새해 복 많이 받으세요

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