* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

드럼 치시는 분 계세요?

페이지 정보



드럼 치시는 분 계세요?
남녀노소 누구나요.
같이 모여서 신나는 음악하고 싶은데요....
참고로 저희는 40-50대랍니다.
한번 와보세요:)!!
이멜로 연락 주세요:)!
sweetchildrenomine20@gmail.com 으로요!!!

We are a small local band planning to perform on stage in near future.
We are in group of healthy 40s and 50s.
We have guitar, bass, sax, and vocal.
We would like to invite a drummer with full of passion and energy.
We are a diversified group so anyone welcome.
We are an amateur band.
Please feel free to email us - sweetchildrenomine20@gmail.com

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작성일2021-02-18 16:48

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