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여전히 젊어 보이는 63세 크리스티 브링클리

페이지 정보



Vintage vixen: Christie Brinkley&nbsptook to her Instagram on Wednesday to share a snap of herself in a swimsuit while on a tropical vacation with family

Bonding time: The 63-year-old Sports Illustrated model posed in mud masks with&nbspdaughters Alexa Ray Joel (middle) and Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook (right)

The tribe: Christie shared this image of herself about to paddleboard with Nina Agdal (left) and Sailor (right) on Tuesday 

'It's a Merry CHRISTMAS': Christie has been quite active on social media as she has been sharing several vacation photos including one of son Jack Brinkley-Cook with model girlfriend Nina Agdal 

추천 1

작성일2018-01-02 08:30

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