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돈방석 앉게되서 명품샵 쇼핑다니는 켈리포니아 마리화나 Queenpin

페이지 정보



두달 전 동네 주민들이 비어있는 Warehose에서 이상한 냄새가 나고 수상하다면서 신고함.  경찰들이 들어가 보니 Warehouse안에서 대마초 재배중.  43세의 Stephanie Smith 라는 여성이 주인인데 이런곳이 세군데라고 함.  총 2만4천개의 대마초 재배중.  한달에 전기세만 6만7천불.  현재 켈리포니아는 기호용 마리화나 판매를 못하지만 내년 1월부터는 합법화 됨.  여태까지 불법으로 몰래 팔아왔던 이 여인은 이제 내년 1월 라이센스 받고 정식적인 사업으로 시작 할 예정이라함.  로컬 신문사에서 인터뷰 하며 Jail 갈거 걱정한되냐니까 For what? 이라고 대답 했다네요.  그리고, 오늘 명품샵에서 수영복 사는 모습 포착. 대마초가 합법화 되고 내년부터 이 여인은 한달에 밀리언씩 벌어들일 수 있다네요.

Holiday shopping?&nbspStephanie Smith, 43, of Pacific Palisades, California was spotted at Brentwood Country Mart on Friday just days after her marijuana 'business' was raided by police 

Smith was seen sporting a black sweater and grey star-patterned leggings paired with gold slip-on sandalsShe spent the day shopping at high-end retailers in Brentwood

The 43-year-old mother was not arrested or charged with a crime. When asked by DailyMailTV if she was concerned about possible misdemeanor charges and potential jail time, she replied: 'No, what for?'

Smith, who lives 79 miles from her San Bernardino business in a two-bedroom home overlooking the Pacific Palisades, (pictured) commutes in a Tesla Model X 90D SUV car (pictured) 

Stephanie Smith, 43, had three properties raided by the San Bernardino Police Wednesday

San Bernardino Police first became suspicious about Smith's property two months ago after hearing reports about an unpleasant smell coming from the warehouse

Authorities realized Smith was shelling out $67,000 a month on electricity and had installed surveillance cameras on the property. Inside they found&nbsp24,000 cannabis plants (pictured)

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작성일2017-12-18 14:57

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