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내부공개한 850밀리언들여 업그레이드한 싱가폴 에어라인 A380

페이지 정보



Wow-factor:&nbspSingapore Airlines opened the doors to the first of its brand new A380S in Changi Airport on Thursday morning

Stunning: The aircraft is the first of five new A380s ordered from Airbus, and the first to feature all-new cabin products

Looking good: A Singapore Airlines stewardess tours the newly-launched business class cabin in Singapore

Man power: Airbus Chief Operating Officer Fabrice Bregier and Singapore Airlines CEO Goh Choon Phong can be seen sitting on the seats of the newly launched business class cabin

Dreamy: The business class aisle seats can be configured to a double bed formation for maximum comfort

In flight: The A380 delivered today will commence scheduled service between Singapore and Sydney on 18 December as flight SQ221, departing Singapore at 2040hrs and arriving into Sydney at 0740hrs the following day

Economy is comfortable, too: A Singapore Airlines stewardess folds up the leg rest of a seat in the newly-launched premium economy class cabin of their A380 aircraft

Nice: Economy passengers will sit in Recaro seats ¿that offer more space and greater comfort through an improved design¿

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작성일2017-12-14 14:16

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