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구글 엔지니어로 일하던 중국인 마추추 샌프란시스코에서 알몸시체로 발견.

페이지 정보



Woman found dead in water off S.F. Bay Trail was Google employee

7:20 AM EST U.S.


SUNNYVALE – A woman whose body was found in the water along the San Francisco Bay Trail in Sunnyvale on Thursday has been identified as a Google employee, the tech company confirmed.

Chuchu Ma, 23, of Mountain View, was found dead in the water near the trail last week, according to the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety, CBS San Francisco reported.

"Chuchu was an excellent software engineer in our developer product team," Google officials said in a statement. "We are devastated to learn of her passing, and our deepest condolences are with her family and friends."

According to her LinkedIn profile, Ma started working for Google in July 2016 and was a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin.

Ma's body was found Thursday morning by a passing bicyclist on the trail, according to Department of Public Safety Capt. Shawn Ahearn.

No additional information about the case was immediately available.
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작성일2017-12-13 08:18

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