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샌프란시스코 Pier 39에서 크리스마스에 테러공격을 하려던 26세 남자 용의자 FBI가 체포.

페이지 정보



Officials have stopped a man who they say was plotting a terror attack in San Francisco over the holidays. The 26-year-old reportedly stated that "Christmas was the perfect day" for a terror attack in San Francisco and "did not need an escape plan because he was ready to die."

The FBI arrested Everitt Aaron Jameson, who is a tow truck driver and lives in Modesto. According to a handwritten letter obtained by the FBI, Jameson also referred to himself as Abdallah adu Everitt ibn Gordon.

Jameson appeared in court Friday, but did not enter a plea.

The 26-year-old is charged with attempting to supply support to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically the Islamic State. According to FBI documents, he posted and liked pro-ISIS and pro-terrorism content on Facebook.

The suspect reportedly picked the Pier 39 location because he "had been there before and knew it was a heavily crowded area." He added that it would be easy to "funnel" people into an area where he could inflict casualties.

The documents cite an FBI informant who said Jameson was inspired by the New York terror attack on Oct. 31, when a man drove into a crowd and killed eight people, and the deadly 2015 shooting in San Bernardino.
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작성일2017-12-22 16:34

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