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빌 게이츠로부터 크리스마스 선물 받은 여성

페이지 정보



빌 게이츠는 레딧(Reddit)이 매년 진행하는 ‘시크릿 산타(Secret Santa)’ 이벤트에 참가하고 있는데 올해는 VietteLLC 라는 여성이 빌게이츠의 선물을 받음.  이 여성의 꿈은 언제가 자신이 No Kill Cat 쉘터를 운영하길 원한다고 자신의 프로필에 써놓았는데 빌게이츠가 선물과 함께 언젠가 열 쉘터를 위해 750불 도네이션도 했다고 하네요.

'I love you Bill Gates': Reddit user VietteLLC was delighted when she received the gifts which included a giant cuddly toy - a cat named Pusheen

Live Life in the Meow: The sweet cross stitch includes Gates, VietteLLC and her cats

Secret Santa: Bill Gates, 62, takes part in the online present exchange every year, and finds personalized gifts for lucky winners

'I hope that you don't mind that I crashed your family portrait!': Gates sent the Reddit user touchingly thoughtful gifts for Christmas, including a cross stitch which included himself, VietteLLC, and her cats

'You could tell he genuinely put thought in to it': VietteLLC praised Gates, who she said must be incredibly busy, for taking the time to do her Secret Santa gifts

VietteLLC, who adores cats and wants to run her own cat shelter, said she recognized the huge cuddly toy and 'screamed like a little girl'

'I was over the moon': The incredibly thoughtful gifts touched VietteLLC, who did not realize Gates was her Secret Santa until she opened a letter from him

추천 1

작성일2017-12-22 13:31

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