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여자친구와 엘에이에서 열린 행사에 참석한 패트릭 슈왈츠제네거

페이지 정보



Smitten: Abby Champion, 20, dazzled at the premiere of The Long Road Home in Los Angeles on Monday night, as she was joined by her beau of two years Patrick Schwarzenegger, 24

Sensational: Showcasing her catwalk credentials, Abby smouldered on arrival and flaunted her svelte frame, along with her lengthy legs, in her eye-wateringly short ensemble


Loved-up: She is dating Arnold Schwarzenegger's son Patrick (pictured with him above) - the Terminator star shares Patrick with his former wife Maria Shriver

Young love: Gushing about her beau on his birthday in September, Abby had penned via Instagram: 'Happy birthday to my favorite guy'

빅토리아 시크릿 패션쇼 지원시 포트폴리오에 첨부한 사진

Aspiring model:&nbspAbby had auditioned for the much-anticipated Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, set to take place in November, when casting were called in August

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작성일2017-10-31 08:30

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