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100살된 시아버지와 98세된 시어머니 모시고 갈라에 참석한 48세 케서린 제타 존슨

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Right in the kisser! Catherine Zeta-Jones, 48, appeared super close to father-in-law Kirk Douglas, 100, as they duo greeted each other with a kiss on the lips at a Thursday event in LA

Warm welcome! Inside the Legacy Of Vision Gala in LA, the mother-of-two wrapped her dad by marriage in a loving embracing, leaning in to smooch the centenarian

Tender moment: Catherine planted a sweet kiss on her father-in-law

Loving look: The actress looked up admiringly at Kirk

Screen legend: Kirk was a box office star in the 1950s and 1960s

Family affair: Catherine has gotten close to her father-in-law during her 17 years with hubby Michael

Going strong!&nbspCatherine and husband Michael Douglas, 73, will be celebrating their 17th wedding anniversary on November 18

Chit chat: During the dinner, Catherine caught up with her mother-in-law Anne Douglas

Private: In a Septermber chat with Vanity fair, Catherine said 'My husband and I have been in the public eye for many, many, many years. So, when we go out, we put the Michael Douglas-Catherine Zeta-Jones armor on'

Playing Grandma: Catherine's latest project, Cocaine Godmother, is currently in post-production and set for a 2018 release on Lifetime

Blue beauty:&nbspThe raven-haired beauty looked ravishing in a blue silk number which dipped love to reveal her full chestBlue beauty:&nbspThe raven-haired beauty looked ravishing in a blue silk number which dipped love to reveal her full chest

남편 마이클 더글라스와 스탭 아들

Great dates! The Welsh beauty arrived at the event with husband Michael and her stepson Cameron, 38

Family portrait: Cameron joined Michael and Catherine on the carpet

Shining star! Dangling diamond studs, peep-toe heels and a sizable ruby ring rounded out the Chicago starlet's look 

Cheers! Husband Michael, 73, looked dapper in sharp navy suit with champagne-colored tie

Husband and wife: Michael wrapped an arm around Catherine on the carpet

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작성일2017-11-10 08:22

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