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멜버른에서 열린 행사에 참석한 고 엘비스 프레슬리 부인 72세 프리실라 프레슬리

페이지 정보



Stunning: Priscilla Presley turned more than a few heads when she attended oaks day at Flemington racecourse on Thursday

That's all white, mama: The former Dallas star stunned in a form-fitting, knee-length dress with a mesh overlay that extended over her arms and to her neck

Form-fitting: The dress featured a subtle pattern and clung perfectly to Priscilla's svelte form

Fashion on the field: The 72-year-old accessorised with a a deep red mesh adorned fascinator, matching heels and some glitzy ear bling

Flawless: She wore her hair tied back for the occasion and finished her look with a manicured eyebrow, a smoky look for her eye and a deep red shade for her lipFlawless: She wore her hair tied back for the occasion and finished her look with a manicured eyebrow, a smoky look for her eye and a deep red shade for her lip

Gorgeous: Posing for photographers, in front of an elegant pink and white flower adorned feature wall, Priscilla exuded effortless grace

Giddy-up: Speaking to the Herald Sun ahead of her Oaks Day appearance, Priscilla revealed that she had a long affinity with horses - cavorting with equines on Elvis' iconic property Graceland

Equine affinity: 'I've been riding since I was a kid,' she said. I'd ride around every day around the grounds at Graceland. It's quite the deal, ladies day.'

In good company: 'It's a wonderful idea having women dress up,' she added. 'We're not so hat savvy in the States, but it's mice to see all the ladies dress up'

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작성일2017-11-09 08:54

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