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끝난게 아닌 셀레나 고메즈와 저스틴 비버의 연애

페이지 정보



위켄드와의 10개월 연애 끝내고 저스틴에게 돌아감.  같이 교회도 다니기 시작

Se-lean-a! Selena Gomez appeared to put the men in her life to one side and indulge in some 'me time' as she was pictured leaving a pilates class in Los Angeles on Wednesday

Scanty: The 25-year-old actress put her sensational figure on display as she exited the workout session in a very tiny pair of shorts

Fashionista: The look was a lot more scanty than that she arrived in, as the Heart Wants What It Wants hitmaker sported a chic gingham jumpsuit on her way into the class

2010년부터 데이트 시작한 셀레나와 저스틴

Back on? Justin and Selena began dating in 2010, and had an on and off relationship before ending it for good in 2014

추천 0

작성일2017-11-09 08:55

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