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Cancer Foundation에 1밀리언 도네이션한 제니퍼 로페즈와 알렉스 로드리게즈 커플

페이지 정보



Forget the sweats and sneakers! Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez were all dressed up for a breakfast date in New York City on Tuesday morning

C'est chic:&nbspJennifer was the picture of fall fashion as she wore a belted black coat over a beige sweater dress with a wide black belt that had an eye-catching gold buckle

J-Lo details:&nbspThe 48-year-old beauty, who has been filming Second Act in New York, added black boots and a black purse with large gold hoop earrings

Cancer Foundation fundraiser dinner 파티에 참석 1밀리언 도네이션 함

The night before:&nbspThis sighting comes after the Shades Of Blue actress lit up the Prostate Cancer Foundation fundraiser dinner on Monday evening with the former baseball pro

Big time:&nbspTogether the lovebirds delighted the room when they announced they were donating $1m to the cause along with the other members at their table

Pretty as a picture:&nbspthe Ni Tu Ni Yo singer put her shoulders and chest on display in a clever white dress

A big wig by their side: Here the power couple was seen with   Michael Milken

추천 1

작성일2017-11-08 08:33

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