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9천불짜리 에미레이트 항공 일등석

페이지 정보



  • Airline recently unveiled impressive cabins with totally private suites which boast a mini-bar and 32" TV
  • Also features zero-gravity seat positions, binoculars and remote wireless, plus light and temperature control
  • Ex-Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson fronts launch with a virtual tour of the space, inspired by Mercedes-Benz 
  • The airline's cheapest first class fare starts from £7,000, roughly ten times the cost of their economy seats  

  • Luxury: Emirates Airline recvently unveiled impressive cabins with totally private suites which boast a mini-bar and 32" TV

    Privacy:&nbspFeaturing floor-to-ceiling sliding doors for maximum solitude,  the suites provide complete privacy for passengers

    Customers can video call the crew for service requests without leaving the comfort of their suite

    First class act: The suites also feature zero-gravity seats positions, binoculars and wireless, plus light and temperature control

    Impressive: Revealed at the start of the biennial Dubai Airshow, on Sunday, the suites are certainly designed to impress

    Insight: The exclusive spaces are billed as a 'game-changer' for passengers who want their own space on flights

    Sumptuous: The leather seats recline fully flat, can be placed in a 'zero-gravity' position, or adjusted into dozens of other custom positions for optimal comfort

    Expensive: The airline's cheapest first class fare starts from &pound7,000, roughly ten times the cost of their economy seats

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    작성일2017-11-13 14:41

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