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올 누드로 방송 촬영중인 오스트리아판 Next Top Model 참가자들

페이지 정보



Contestants were asked to strip off for a nude photo shoot on the latest episode of Austria's Top Model

It might only be week two in the competition but the fledgling models were given one of the toughest challenges of the series 

Posing against the stunning scenery, some were more confident getting their kit off than others

The contestants are battling it out to win a coveted modelling contract in series 8 

The male models had to pose alongside the completely naked women in this week's episode

The ladies were challenged to work the camera in the buff alongside the male contestants

If that wasn't enough, they were only given 15 minutes to capture the perfect photo

The ladies engaged in some rather seductive poses with male models

The women posed in the nude&nbspas they were rushed to find their perfect angle

Some of the contestants put the fun into the shoot, with one pair posing in a piggyback pose

Next week will see the ladies undergo a drastic makeover, where they'll face the chop in the hairdressers

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작성일2017-11-13 14:45

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