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둘째 임신중인 동생 니키와 애완견 데리고 쇼핑나온 패리스 힐튼

페이지 정보



Bonding: Paris and Nicky Hilton enjoyed one of their favorite pastimes as they shopped in Beverly Hills on Monday afternoon

All black everything:&nbspParis, 36, showed off her supremely slender frame in a flowing black mini skirt and black lace bodysuit

Shop til you drop: The darling duo showed off their fall fashions as they pounded the pavement between luxury shops near famed Rodeo Drive

Blooming! Nicky, 34, covered up her growing baby bump in an adorable white blouse with a large blue floral print

Hi friend!&nbspParis stopped for a moment between stores to have a quick chat with a tiny brown French bulldog

Short skirt! Her tanned and toned legs were on full display as she sported a pair of nude fishnet stockings underneath her knee-high black leather boots

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작성일2017-11-21 07:29

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