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부인 엠마(39세)와 두딸들 데리고 엘르 잡지 화보 촬영한 62세 브루스 윌리스

페이지 정보



Happy family:&nbspBruce Willis and his wife Emma Heming have shared a rare, behind-the-scenes look at their idyllic home life in the October issue of ELLE Decor magazine

Well kept: 'Bruce is very domesticated,' Heming told the magazine. 'His mother taught him well! He really is great at housekeeping.'

Darkest sectets: The couple revealed what they fight over her not replacing lids properly, and him constantly doing construction work

Has a cellar: Describing the features of their home - situated about an hour's drive from NYC, they admit they are both 'big wine drinkers'

전 부인 데미무어와 세 딸들

Second round: &nbspThe actor was previously married to Demi Moore, 54, with whom he  raises three daughters, Rumer, 29, Scout, 26, and Tallulah, 23 (pictured in September 2015)

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작성일2017-10-04 11:40

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