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전 경호원에게 성희롱, 인격모독으로 소송당한 머라이어 캐리

페이지 정보



성희롱 발언하고 이 경호원을 'Nazi skinhead' 라고 부르며 인결모독 발언을 했으며 경호업체에게 받은 서비스 요금중 $221,329.51 아직 안냈다네요.

Allegations:&nbspMariah Carey's former security guard threatens to sue singer for 'sexual harassment and referring to him as a Nazi skinhead'... and claims she owes him over $200kAllegations:&nbspMariah Carey's former security guard threatens to sue singer for 'sexual harassment and referring to him as a Nazi skinhead'... and claims she owes him over $200k

Threats: The founder of Anello Security & Consulting - who has been an 'Executive Protection Agent' since 2006 - has made allegations that the Hero singer, 47, told him he was a 'Nazi skinhead' and that she has an outstanding bill owed to his firm for $221,329.51

Tense: TMZ claims to have seen a draft of a lawsuit prepared by Anello's attorney, which he is threatening to serve Mariah with, but that is thought to be on hold while negotiations are taking placeTense: TMZ claims to have seen a draft of a lawsuit prepared by Anello's attorney, which he is threatening to serve Mariah with, but that is thought to be on hold while negotiations are taking place

Former colleagues:&nbspThe file supposedly claims that the security firm were under Mariah's employ from June 2015 to May 2017, but that there was an agreement in place for further two years

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작성일2017-11-08 08:37

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