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73세 마이클 더글라스와 48세 케서린 제타존슨 부부

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Still going strong! Oscar-winning couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones put on a united front at the Jubilee Gala in Manhattan Wednesday ahead of their 17th wedding anniversary happening November 18

Still smitten: Catherine nuzzled her head into Michael as they put on an affectionate display inside the gala

The look of love: At 73, the New Jersey-born silver fox is 25 years older than the glamorous Welshwoman, and the Traffic co-stars first met way back in 1996 at the Deauville Film Festival

Diva: Posing at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, the Feud actress bared her chest in a black cut-out gown, matching peep-toe heels, and statement jewelryDiva: Posing at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, the Feud actress bared her chest in a black cut-out gown, matching peep-toe heels, and statement jewelry

Nice earrings! Catherine swept her raven locks into a romantic updo and she sported false lashes and glossy lips for the Actors Fund Career Transition for Dancers event

Loved-up: Catherine placed a tender hand on Michael's shoulder as they flaunted their love of the arts

Snap happy! The pair were keen to capture memories from the event as they took out their phones and snapped away

Suited and booted: Meanwhile, Michael looked sharp in his navy pantsuit, white button-up, grey necktie, and patent leather dress shoes

'Ship shape!'&nbspThe Hollywood power pair - who once split for six months in 2013 - also happen to share a September 25 birthday 

아들 딸과 함께 son Dylan (L), 17 and daughter Carys (2-R), 14

VIP treatment: Last week, Douglas treated their children - son Dylan (L), 17 and daughter Carys (2-R), 14 - to an Eagles concert where they got to meet guitarist Joe Walsh (2-L) backstage

마이클의 큰 아들 38세 Cameron과 부인

Baby shower: The Flatliners producer is excited to spend the holidays in New York with his very first grandchild from 38-year-old son Cameron (R) and his girlfriend Viviane Thibes (M)

Ex-convict: According to USA Today, the Brazilian yoga instructor will welcome the baby in late November or early December

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작성일2017-11-02 20:08

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