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잘빠진 스타일로 입고 파티가는 22세 지지 하디드

페이지 정보



Legs get going! Gigi Hadid was dark and darling on Monday as she stepped out from her NYC apartment in a dramatic black gown which offered a hearty look at her long legs

Thigh's the limit! The 22-year-old fashionista strutted her stuff in a asymmetrical dress that reached all the way up the star's thigh

Layering lady: The longtime girlfriend of pop heartthrob Zayn Malik slung a long coat over her shoulders to keep warm

To the point: The IMG beauty rounded out her look with pointy boots that reached mid-calf

Natural glow:&nbspThe daughter of Yolanda and Mohammed  kept her makeup at a minimum, sporting a healthy glow and warm flush along with a neutral pout

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작성일2017-10-31 08:34

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