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일찌감치 캔디 떨어졌다는 데이빗 베컴네 집

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Come Beck later! David and Victoria Beckham no doubt disappointed trick or treaters on Tuesday night, after announcing they had run out of Halloween candy

&nbspElaborate: The couple posted a sign on the wall outside their London pad which apologised for their lack of candy - after decking out their pad with elaborate Halloween decorations

Squad ghouls: The family are known to be fans of the spooky holiday, and decorate their house every year (pictured L-R, Cruz, Romeo, Harper, Victoria, David and Brooklyn)

Fight night: Romeo shared &nbspa ghoulish shot as Halloween got into full swing on Tuesday evening

Boo! Former footballer David had taken to his Instagram earlier that day, to document his afternoon of preparations

Doing his bit:&nbspClad in a grey T-shirt and black jeans, the former footballer was seen hanging up a skeleton and a number of bats with ease, before lining the porch with pumpkins

Proud: Thanking him for his efforts, Victoria also shared an image of David at work, captioned: '@davidbeckham is such a good daddy!!! Don’t slip!! Be careful and watch that ladder!'

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작성일2017-11-01 12:52

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