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에스트로 우승후 약혼남 축하해주는 25세 케이트 업톤

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Winner gets a kiss! Kate Upton locked lips with her fiance Astros pitcher Justin Verlander after he won the World Series against the LA Dodgers on Wednesday night

His lucky charm! The 25-year-old blonde was at Dodgers Stadium to cheer on fiance Justin

Savour the moment: Kate snapped a selfie on the field after the massive win

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Kate  was in the house for game seven in the World Series

Rooting for her man: &nbspThe 25-year-old blonde was at Dodgers Stadium to cheer on fiance Justin Verlander as the Houston Astros his team faced off the LA Dodgers in the final game 

Pretty: Kate wore faded blue jeans decorated with white stars and had on a black t-shirt under her jacket. She wore her dark blonde hair loose and tucked behind her ears

Bear hug: Justin wrapped Kate in his arms

Adore: Kate looked up lovingly at him

Double take: Kate rocked double denimi as she smiled broadly

Apparel: Kate donned a World Series cap for a moment

So in love: The two looked so in love

Smooches: Justin planted a big one on Kate

So happy: THe couple looked to be so happy with the big win

Selfie queen: The cover girl took a selfie 

Laughs abound: The couple shared more laughs as the excitement grew

The look of love: Again they gazed into each other's eyes

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작성일2017-11-02 07:52

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