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엘에이에서 열린 Women Gala에 참석한 77세 라켈 웰치

페이지 정보



Hollywood legend: Raquel Welch, 77, looked stunning in a long-sleeved black dress at the Incredible Woman Gala at Los Angeles on Wednesday

On stage: Raquel donned &nbsppair of cat eye glasses as she spoke onstage during the gala

She's a fan: Brie Larson (right) also made sure to steal a snap with the Hollywood legend

1972년Looking back: &nbspWelch has maintained her youthful looks and radiant complexion, (pictured at Heathrow Airport in 1972)

Iconic: The 77-year-old is best known for her role as Loana in One Million Years BC

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작성일2017-11-02 07:53

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