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My pony:&nbspA carousel was seen in the parking lot outside The Contemporary Art Center in New Orleans on Wednesday ahead of Serena William's wedding (above)

Nom nom:&nbspCases of wine and tableware were also being unloaded into the vented and air-coinditioned tents that had been erected in the parking lot

Venus has landed: Serena's sister was seen after a walk through of the wedding venue on Wednesday

Serena signed an exclusive deal with her friend Anna Wintour to feature pictures from the event exclusively in Vogue

Isha PriceLyndrea Price

Support system: Serena's closest confidantes, agent Jill Smoller (right in black) and best friend Val (left in white)

Party:&nbspDailyMail.com broke the news that Serena would be taking the plunge on Thursday, just 11 weeks after she and Ohanian welcomed daughter Alexis Jr.

Wedding eve: 'Serena and Alexis have spared no expense on their dream wedding,' a source told DailyMail.com of the $1 million nuptials

Air it out: 'They have hired the best of the best and can't wait to get married in The Big Easy. It's a special city for Serena and somewhere she has always loved,' said the source

Full house:&nbspThere will be approximately 250 guests at the ceremony on Thursday

Smart choice: 'Serena and Alexis chose the Contemporary Arts Center because of its incredible architecture and history

Keeping track: 'Alexis will have a babysitter on hand just for her the entire night,' the source told DailyMail.com.

Dad and me: Ohanian and his father both had big grins on their faces ahead of the big wedding day (above)


Serena dress Versace

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작성일2017-11-16 08:35

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